TomTom ONE Europe v3 review
Can the smaller, cheaper model in TomTom's range still match its successful big brother for ease of use?

Right from the off, the ONE seems like a good deal. TomTom has proven its capability time and time again over the last few years, and this new, 3rd Edition release of the ONE has all the benefits of that experience.
And it’s affordable: the Europe map version has a RRP of £180, but street prices see it at around £145. A UK version is cheaper yet. You can also get a 4.3inch XL version if you find this 3.5inch too small.
Pure and simple
What do you get for your money? Features-wise, not a great deal. TMC traffic info is supported but comes only with the purchase of an optional accessory. It has no Bluetooth, and no MP3 playback. But, to gripe about this would be to miss the charm of the ONE – solid design and software.
The device is well made and has a press-on suction cradle that makes other cradles seem foolishly over-designed. No buttons on the ONE, apart from the power button, because all inputs are done via the 3.5inch touchscreen.
Enabling this is TomTom’s remarkably easy-to-use software. The 3rd Edition software includes a ‘Help Me’ icon, which can direct you to nearby garages or hospitals, or give you your exact position for help to come to you. A useful safety feature, and one that most manufacturers are including.
Share your maps
You also get MapShare, TomTom’s map update community. Discover a mistake or a change to the route that your TomTom tries to direct you to, and you can mark it. Later, back at home, you can upload your discoveries to MapShare servers for other drivers to take advantage of.
Navigation with the ONE is good. The speaker is strong, the voices clear – unlike the 520, 720 and 920 models, the ONE doesn’t read out road names, but the maps and voice instructions are clear enough to handle even the most complex junction. For a budget sat-nav, the ONE is one device we would trust on a wet, dark night.