Sennheiser Momentum 2.0 review
These expensive headphones are well worth the cash

Some headphones just fit. And we aren’t just talking about how they feel on your noggin’. The looks are right, sound is spot-on, and for all that the price is, well, tolerable.
The original Sennheiser Momentums were a rare example (in our wise words, ‘the perfect pair of on-ears’) and we’re pleasantly surprised that their sequel – the not-so-creatively named Momentum 2.0s – pull off a The Godfather: Part II and prove even more thrilling.
Precise sound

The Hans-Zimmer-like opener of Suede’s When You Are Young is as moody and menacing as it should be, the Sennheiser’s throwing down the mic as the theatrical strings burst onto the scene. A pinpoint-precise soundstage puts you right in the middle of the action, and yo-yoing dynamics keep you there until the track tails off.