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Home / Reviews / Mio / Mio 268 review

Mio 268 review

The Mio 268 doubles as an MP3 player and contacts store and, with a 3.5-inch colour screen and 256MB map storage, will guide you all over the UK and Ireland

Whether with its smartphones or its GPS systems, Mio always manages to break value barriers. Not content with its low price-point, the 268 doubles as an MP3 player and contacts store.

Thanks to the Windows software running behind the scenes, you can get out of your car, swap the map SD card for one loaded with tunes, and off you wander.

Sat-nav with multiple personalities

But you’re not shelling out for the world’s biggest solid-state MP3 player, you’re paying for a navigation system, so get back in your car and let’s be off. Well, once you’ve wrestled with the unwieldy cradle, that is – however much time you spend with it, the 268 will still wobble.

The Mio has two user-selectable modes: Standard, for beginners, which allows basic address search functions, or Extended, which opens up more complicated and/or useful functions such as multi-destination itinerary mode or being able to scroll around the map to choose a destination.

Regrettably, in both modes navigation is hampered by a slow refresh rate. In frenetic urban situations, on-screen action can be half-a-second behind you and, while the voice instructions are clear, it’s still a recipe for disaster… and irritation.

Nonetheless, it has a decent 3.5-inch 64k colour screen and 256MB SD card map storage covering UK and Ireland. The extras – MP3 player and contacts database – add a bit of icing to the cake.

Stuff Says…

Score: 4/5

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