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Home / Reviews / App reviews / fizzlefilm review

fizzlefilm review

We’re used to having easy access to videos on YouTube and buying films and TV shows from the iTunes store, but now fizzlefilm brings a large collection of public domain (out of copyright) films and animations to your iOS devices. It may not be serving up the latest blockbusters in full HD, but there are some gems and novelties among the archives.

Horror fans with a historical interest will love George Romero’s 1968 Night of the Living Dead and probably won’t be able to resist taking a peek at I Eat Your Skin out of sheer curiosity. Meanwhile there’s the Spielberg-inspiring dino-tale The Lost World and even Christmas-themed “classic” Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

All the films are full length and due to their age you can’t expect sparkling quality on either the video or audio front (some are even silent) but for £1.49 you get hours and hours of movies, which can’t be bad. Developer Hatch Media promises that more content will be added periodically so there should always be a new old film to watch.

The content is streamed over Wi-Fi or 3G but not downloadable. This also means that you have to make a note of where you finished watching as the app doesn’t save your place.

The app interface is simple if a little under-designed and annoyingly film descriptions only flash up when you actually select the film to play and not before.

For true film lovers there’s enough interesting old content here to keep you coming back time and again. Well worth the asking price.

Stuff Says…

Score: 4/5

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