Fully Charged: Tesla Model 3 ordering details released, plus critical update for older Kindles
Grab the morning’s top tech news tidbits

Grab the morning’s top tech news tidbits
Naturally makes it simpler to give Amazon your cash, too
Keep your copies of Anna Karenina and The Avengers side by side
Amazon raises the resolution of its ebook reader to make text even sharper
It’s the world’s first E Ink ereader that won’t die after a dunking
All tech’s exciting goings-on, squeezed onto one page
Feeling the post-Christmas pinch? Don’t worry, there’s plenty of cost-free media to get your hands on
From today, you’ll get an extra half an hour’s use of tablets, phones and laptops on BA flights
Amazon’s newest ereader has ditched the buttons – well, almost – in favour of a finger-friendly reading experience. But does a touchscreen interface mean a compromise in performance?
Grab this last-minute Summer Holiday Discount, and save up to 50% on selected items. Sale ends xx/xx/xx.