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Home / News / Why you’ll be playing Battlefield 3 on your next tablet

Why you’ll be playing Battlefield 3 on your next tablet

Nvidia's Kepler graphics processor will let you run, and show off, next-gen games

Tablet gaming graphics are pretty good right now – your iPad or Tegra 3-powered Android slate can comfortably run Grand Theft Auto III. But that’s a game from over a decade ago. Your next tablet will be able to run current-gen games like Battlefield 3, if Nvidia’s Kepler processor has anything to do with it.

Nvidia CEO, Jen-Hsun Huang, showed off what the mobile Kepler processor can manage, showing off a demo of Battlefield 3. Although it’s been shot in shaky-cam, you can spot HDR lighting, particle effects, and active shadows – just like a current-gen console. Of course, by the time we’re playing on specced-up slates, we’ll be playing Battlefield 4 on the Sony PlayStation 4 and next Xbox. But such is the march of progress.

[via Engadget]

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