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Home / News / Watch out! Is the Ninja Sphere set to take over your home?

Watch out! Is the Ninja Sphere set to take over your home?

If 2014 is set to be the year your house gets smart, the Ninja Sphere is hoping to become its controller, making everything from your lights to alarms smarter than the average home

The Australian Kickstarter project raised its target in just 36 hours, and the odd-shaped controller could soon be in a living room near you, keeping an eye on every gadget it your home


Unleashing a ninja in your living room seems a rather foolhardy proposition, but the Australian inventors of the Ninja Shpere says this rather odd shaped gadget could boost the IQ of your home – and save you money.

"Your Ninja Sphere learns about you, and your environment," they say.

"It uses data from sensors and actuators to build a model that can inform you if something is out of place. It can monitor temperature, lighting, energy usage, you and your pets’ presence, and anything else you connect to your sphere."

The project has so far been a huge success on Kickstarter, and the Ninja Sphere’s gateway, dubbed the ‘Spheramid’, is capable of controlling devices within the home using gestures.

With a swipe of the hand, lights can be dimmed or heat turned up.

There’s also set to be a full suite of smartphone apps to turn the kettle on from anywhere in the world, and even a Pebble app so just a tap of the wrist could trigger the mood lighting and Barry White soundtrack.

Also concealed (using ninja skills, presumably) within the Spheramid is an LED matrix, which can display information such as the weather or energy use.

Source: Kickstarter

Profile image of Mark Prigg Mark Prigg
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