Unboxed – iriver Cover Story
iriver's touchscreen reader breaks for cover, but not before we snap a few shots of it emerging from its box

The iriver Cover Story just arrived. As usual we ripped off the packaging to get a proper look…
Nice box. Stop tittering.
Here it is. The magnetic lid acts as a screen protector, or tucks away on the base while you’re reading.
Like so. And that’s the homescreen. Quite nice, as ereaders go. There’s a bookshelf and some app-type icons for voice recording, the dictionary, music and settings.
The main event: a book. Text is clear on the 6in display, though page refreshes and contrast don’t look as good as the new Kindle on first inspection. We’ll firm that up in a test situation soon.
There are two ways to input text on the Cover Story. One is handwriting (excuse ours)…
… and the other is this on-screen keyboard, which is surprisingly responsive if you can ignore the lag of text actually appearing.
That’s it for this unboxing. We should have a review up soon.
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