PSP gets web browser
Phew, you won't have to hack your PSP to death. Sony's adding a full HTML web browser in a firmware update in just six days' time - plus AAC support, a wallpaper feature and loads more

Crack open the champers, people. Sony’s just announced version 2.0 firmware for the PSP and it adds a web browser, AAC and WAV playback, better MP4 support and a whole load of new mods.
The firmware’s available for download on 27th July in Japan, and we’re confirming with Sony right now to find out when it’ll be available for UK punters. We’re guessing it won’t be ’til 1st September, when new 2.0-loaded PSPs appear in the shops.
Anyhow. The new features:
Read our Secrets of the PSP feature in the September issue of Stuff – it’s out August 3rd.