PS3 Slim sales exceed expectations with 1000% boost
The new PS3 Slim launched in the UK just a week ago, but already its sales performance has exceeded Sony's expectations.With its slimlined appearance

With its slimlined appearance and cut price, Chart-Track data has shown the new look PS3 has caused sales to jump by over 1000%.
Mark Howsen, Sony UK’s sales director, said: “The first week’s Chart-Track numbers for sales of the new PlayStation 3 were ahead of our expectations, so we were extremely pleased.
“A new price point and a new machine has proven a significant catalyst to help consumers make the move onto PS3.”
As the lead hardware format in the UK the PS3 is currently enjoying a position it has not seen since the first week of 2008, and to put the cherry on the cake, software sales are up 17% as well.
How will the PS3 Slim’s success hold up in the long run, and will it be able to compete with a cut-price Xbox? Check out our unboxing pics, get up to scratch with the top 5 things you need to know about the new console, and let us know your thoughts below.