Pi-to-go is a 3D printed mini computer
Take inspiration for your Raspberry Pi with this inspired project that makes you a pint-sized computer

Not content with just how awesome the Raspberry Pi is, one fan has taken it to the next level with a full-blown working computer that can be built with the help of a 3D printer.
The crux of the project is that, while the Raspberry Pi usually needs a wall socket to work its magic, in either its Model A or Model B versions, the aptly named Pi-to-go features a rechargable battery – allowing you to check your emails or watch Gangnam Style wherever you go.
It may be small but the Pi-to-go packs a 3.5in 640×480 pixel LCD display, a small QWERTY keyboard and touchpad and, amazingly, a 64GB Samsung SSD for storing your downloads and software. It will last 10 hours, too, and the total cost for the build is US$400 – about £250 – if you happen to own a 3D printer for the case.
Head on over to Parts-People for the full lowdown of the project and what bits you need to make your own.
[Parts-People via Engadget]
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