New album app format offers Hi-Res Audio, remix options and 360-degree videos
Norwegian singer Bernhoft has found an intriguing way to make his latest record a bit special

Most artists are content to release their album in MP3 format, but Norwegian soul singer Bernhoft has found a way to add a little more value to his latest record.
His new album Islander is being sold as a fully interactive iPad and iPhone app – and it could be the first of many in a new “HD360” format.
Adding more value
The app, which costs £13.99 and is available now, features every track in Hi-Res studio-quality, as well as a video for each song – but that’s just the beginning. It also features full liner notes, a console that allows the user to remix every track, a loop station and special 360-degree videos that allow you to sit (virtually, at least) in the middle of the musicians as they perform.
The app was produced by Philip Tennant, who has previous worked with Depeche Mode and The Cure, and is based on over two years of software development. That suggests that Islander is merely the first in a series of HD360 albums released as apps – and wouldn’t it be nice to have more of them out soon? We’ll keep you posted.
You can download the HD360 edition of Islander from the App Store.
READ MORE: Why you should be pumped about (and just a bit sceptical of) Hi-Res Audio