Mac OS X Lion secrets
We've popped the hood on Apple's new desktop OS to see what she can really do

Exit via the Windows
Apple just made it easier to leave Windows. Using Windows Migration, a PC user can transfer all file data to an OS X Lion loaded Mac. From important folders with music, video and documents to boring old bookmarks, contacts and (yawn) user settings – it’s even easier than upgrading your mobile.
Safari gets souped up
There are 24 Safari updates, but three stand out. Sandboxing protects your personal data while browsing, while an automated setup takes the brainache out of setting up your webmail account to work with Apple’s native mail, contact and calendar clients. There’s also offline media caching.
Special preview
The preview option that lets you quickly view files via a quick snap of the space bar now works in full screen. You can even zoom and print, add signatures to PDF documents and save. Need you ever open Word again?
Spread the pride
Because OS X Lion is download-only, once you’ve paid you can download it to multiple computers – helping you make use of the AirDrop file-sharing feature. Simply log in to the authorised machines and download it again just like you would an app.
Lion saves
The new Recovery HD lets you re-install Lion or repair drives without a physical OS disc, simply hold down Cmd+R during start-up and boot into the Recovery tool.
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