Logitech outs UE Air Speaker
Got the UE earphones? Now you can get your AirPlay on with this Ultimate Ears iOS speaker dock

Logitech has borrowed the Ultimate Ears name from its excellent earphones to give us hope that this £300 speaker will sound as good as it looks.
Connect the UE Air Speaker and an iOS device or laptop to your home Wi-Fi network to stream tunes using AirPlay – any iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad running iOS 4.2 and above will be instantly connected to the speaker once you’ve downloaded the free Logitech UE Air app as well as any computer with the latest iTunes 10.1. There’s also a dock if your devices want a snuggle and some juice from your new Logitech speaker.
The Logitech UE Air Speaker will be released in April, so if you’ve just got yourself a new iPad 3 and weren’t taken with any of our speaker dock suggestions (most around the £500 mark), it’s worth waiting for the Stuff.tv verdict.
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