**** it: The iPhone 7 could automatically censor music and audiobooks
We wouldn’t want little Jimmy to start swearing now, would we?

Apple is reportedly dabbling in new software which can automatically detect and remove naughty words from songs and audiobooks.
The patent, called “Management, Placement and Removal of Explicit Lyrics during Audio Playback” (yawn) proposes how explicit lyrics in songs can be swapped with non-explicit words, or removed entirely, while the background track continues playing.
Don’t worry though – the feature, if implemented, will be optional, and will probably be used mainly by parents who want to shield their little ones from the harsh realities of life. Your NWA albums will be fine.
As with all Apple patents, it’s unclear at this stage if this feature will ever see the light of day, but it’s certainly not beyond the realms of possibility.
Will the iPhone 7, complete with iOS 10, land with an auto-censor? We’ll just have to wait and see.