HP TouchPad gets Ice Cream Sandwich CyanogenMod 9 Alpha build
Nabbed yourself a TouchPad in the fire sale? Now you can enjoy the fruits of your bargain buy with a fresh serving of Android 4.0

Those of you who managed to grab a HP TouchPad on the cheap last year can finally show up your iPad and Android Honeycomb-rocking friends by loading up Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich on your bargain slate.
The only tablet so far to have an official upgrade to Google’s Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich OS is the Asus Transformer Prime, with other tablets like the Motorola Xoom 2 still waiting for an official upgrade.
Being an Alpha build – courtesy of the established CyanogenMod team – there are a few niggles yet to iron out like screen resolution, video quality and a non-functioning microphone and camera – but we expect future iterations to fix these issues.
Installation instructions can be found at RootzWiki, and with the option to dual-boot WebOS and Ice Cream Sandwich, we’ll definitely be playing around with our TouchPads this weekend, gloating at our good fortune as we do so.