Glitchy software could cook your Nvidia graphics card
Don't dive into The Division just yet

If your Nvidia-powered gaming rig has just finished downloading The Division, you may want to read this before you try to explore post-apocalyptic New York.
Bugs in the latest graphics drivers are causing major headaches for gamers with an Nvidia GPU, with symptoms including freezing, boot loops and even burnt out graphics cards.
There’s no clue what’s actually causing the problem, but it might be down to how you installed the driver; if you picked Express Installation you could be at risk.
The driver at fault (364.47) was only released this week to coincide with Ubisoft’s open-world shooter, so if you upgraded in order to play it might be time to roll back to the previous version.
It’s a major bummer for PC players who were looking forward to lording it over their console compatriots with 4K resolutions and Nvidia-specific graphics effects.
Nvidia’s officially confirmed the issues on its website, saying it had replaced the faulty driver with a new version and was waiting on certification from Microsoft before sending it out to gamers.
If you just can’t wait for that to happen, Nvidia’s got a beta driver (364.51) already available to download from its support website – it’ll mean giving Windows the OK to install it though, as it hasn’t been approved by Microsoft.
It’s probably worth the risk – it’s definitely a cheaper alternative to buying a new graphics card, should yours cook itself using dodgy drivers.
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