Fully Charged: Windows 10 starter kit for Raspberry Pi, and Mighty No. 9’s new release date
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Windows 10 starter kit for Raspberry Pi
If you want to put Windows 10 on a Rapsberry Pi, but wish to minimize some of the tinkering and part-gathering in the process, you can now grab the official Microsoft IoT (Internet of Things) Pack for Raspberry Pi 2 from Adafruit. It’s being sold with or without a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B board, although either way, it’s already out of stock for now.
Both packs come with an array of parts: a Raspberry Pi B+ case, full size breadboard, various jumper wires, a Wi-Fi module, power supply, temperature and humidity sensor, color sensor, analog input chip, ethernet cable, and finally an 8GB microSD card with Windows 10 IoT and other helpful bits included. The pack sells for US$75 (about £50) without the board and $115 (about £75) with.
[Source: Adafruit via Engadget]
Read More › Microsoft Windows 10 review
Mighty No. 9 release date
Mighty No. 9 – the crowdfunded spiritual successor to Mega Man from the original creator – has started to turn into a mighty disappointment for backers as release dates have come and gone (all while the studio has added other new projects). But now there’s a new date to put on your calendar.
Comcept and Deep Silver now say that the game will release in most of the world on 12 February, although North American players get it a bit early on 9 February. And if you backed the Kickstarter or via PayPal, you can grab a PC demo via Humble using your same email address.
Community impressions to the (also delayed) demo are mixed; here’s a runthrough above that’s marked the trial as "underwhelming," for example. Still, Comcept said it wanted the extra time to polish Mighty No. 9 up for its final release, so hopefully any issues players have with this limited taste are addressed in the full game.
[Sources: Kickstarter, Mighty No. 9]
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Samsung’s U.S. Galaxy promo

Samsung hasn’t yet launched its own Apple-esque payment/leasing program, as was reported recently, but if you’re in the States, Samsung might pay the first few of your monthly payments with a top carrier if you buy a recent Galaxy phone.
Grab a Galaxy S6, S6 Edge, S6 Edge+, or Note 5 and Samsung will make your payments through the end of 2015, with a maximum cap of US$120. And if you trade in an iPhone too, you’ll get $100 in Google Play credit on top of that. AT&T seems to be the only carrier not participating, but if you’re on Verizon, Sprint, or T-Mobile (or plan to switch to one of those), this sounds pretty appealing.
[Source: Samsung Promotions via The Verge]
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