Fully Charged: PlayStation’s Launch Party promo, plus Game of Thrones season six trailer
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PlayStation Launch Party promo
Each spring, Sony likes to trot out some exciting digital games for PlayStation 4, and this year is no different. The past Spring Fever campaign has given way to this year’s Launch Party in the States, although most of the same games and deals will be available across Europe as well… just without any sort of promotional branding.
Side-scrolling dungeon crawler Salt and Sanctuary from Ska Studios (The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai) is first up on 15 March, followed by Double Fine’s revived LucasArts adventure Day of the Tentacle Remastered (shown up top) on 22 March and Devolver’s frantic Enter the Gungeon on 5 April.
Gorgeous hack-and-slash action game Stories: The Path of Destinies from Spearhead Games is next on 12 April, along with Klei Entertainment’s PC stealth favourite Invisible Inc. on 19 April and Sony’s own Alienation – from Housemarque (Resogun) – will conclude the U.S. promo on 26 April.
The UK version cuts out Alienation for some reason (although we anticipate a worldwide release) and adds in horror game The Park on 12 April, but in any case, all six games in either promo will be 10% off if you pre-order them on the PlayStation Store. Looks like a lot of intriguing fare in the mix, as the U.S. trailer above shows, and you might save a couple quid on each if you act fast.
[Sources: PlayStation.Blog US, PlayStation.Blog EU]
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Game of Thrones S6 trailer
All caught up on HBO’s Game of Thrones? Not terrified by the faintest of spoilers? Great: here’s the first full trailer for the upcoming sixth season, which begins on 24 April – and won’t be preceded by reviews, since HBO is skipping review copies in an effort to curtail piracy and leaks.
[Source: YouTube]
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Portable Cardboard viewer
Looking for a Cardboard VR viewer that’s easier to carry around? DODOcase, which already makes an array of standard-size smartphone VR viewers, has just unveiled the SMARTvr pocket viewer, which works with all Android phones and iPhones and is currently funding on Indiegogo.
The foldable design makes it pocket-ready, while the microsuede lens cover and light blocking shield help it work like a full-size viewer – and it’s Google Cardboard-certified, too. During the first week, you can get one for US$28 (about £20) for delivery in June, although the price will inch closer to the standard US$40 (about £28) next week. The campaign, which seeks US$25,000 (£17,600) for the project, is already 75% funded after two days.
[Source: Indiegogo]
Fable Legends beta closing soon
As we found out on Monday, Fable Legends won’t be released for Xbox One and Windows 10 as planned, and developer Lionhead Studios’ days may be numbered. However, anyone who has been playing the game’s closed beta test will have a bit more time in Albion.
The servers will be live until 13 April, giving Lionhead and Microsoft more than a month to wrap things up, which includes offering refunds to anyone who spent money on in-game currency. Expect more details on that front soon, otherwise enjoy what’s left: the beta won’t let anyone else in, but we imagine anyone with access will be interested in checking out the game’s last gasp.
[Source: Fable Legends]