Fully Charged: Microsoft’s HoloLens is still a ways off, and YotaPhone 2 U.S. release cancelled
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HoloLens timeframe revised
Microsoft never got too specific about when its HoloLens augmented reality headset would actually release, although there were hints that it would be sometime around the launch of Windows 10. In truth, it’s actually still a ways out – upwards of a year for developers.
CEO Satya Nadella told the BBC that Microsoft would have a V1 version for developers and business users out "within the next year." He also said the release is "a five year journey," which seems to imply that a consumer release may be quite a bit further out. The Oculus Rift will have been available in various developer prototypes for at least three years before the consumer version releases in early 2016, so don’t be surprised if we see a similar approach for HoloLens.
[Source: BBC via Business Insider]
YotaPhone 2 U.S. release cancelled

Here’s a surprise: Yota planned to launch its dual-screened YotaPhone 2 in the United States this month, and even raised nearly US$300,000 in a crowdfunding campaign that ended last week – but now those plans have been cancelled due to supplier issues.
According to the email sent to backers, Yota’s manufacturing partner for the U.S. variant ran into issues, and wouldn’t be able to turn around the devices soon enough. Yota apparently has plans in 2016 (for new hardware, it sounds like), and the delays would’ve pushed the YotaPhone 2 launch too far back to still be worthwhile for the company.
Yota has offered backers two ways out: either accept the international version of the device, which only works with a couple U.S. carriers and doesn’t support 4G LTE in the States, or take a refund that won’t be issued directly through Indiegogo. In either case, it’s a real shock to have a crowdfunding success – especially for a device already released elsewhere – blow up in just a week.
[Source: Indiegogo via The Verge]
Read More › YotaPhone 2 review
Mighty No. 9 reportedly delayed
Will we see Mighty No. 9 this year? The side-scrolling action-platformer – a clear successor to Mega Man, designed by creator Keiji Inafune – was a Kickstarter smash, and until recently was slated to release on 15 September, but now it’s not looking so clear. Retailers started listing it for a 2016 release before the weekend, sending excited fans into frustrated online outbursts.
Game Informer got word from GameStop that when retailer release dates like those change, they’re pushed through by the game publisher (in other words, they’re not best guesses by the stores), which makes the new 2016 date seem all the more likely. It’ll be a shame if true, since we’re really looking forward to playing it – but it won’t be that surprising, given how often crowdfunded games seem to slip past their target dates.
[Source: Game Informer]
Read More › The 30 most anticipated games of 2015
See Iron Man added to GTA5
We’ve poured hours into the various console versions of Grand Theft Auto V, but the PC version may ultimately be the best – not only because of its sweet video editor tool, but also the ability to implement awesome user-created mods. Like this one, which adds Iron Man to the game for some hilarious, heavily weaponized action. Hit the YouTube link below to find download links and further details.
Read More › Grand Theft Auto V review