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Home / News / Fully Charged: iPhone click wheel keyboard, plus Breaking Bad recreated in GTA5

Fully Charged: iPhone click wheel keyboard, plus Breaking Bad recreated in GTA5

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iPhone click wheel keyboard app

With third-party keyboard support in iOS 8, now developers can create increasingly helpful alternatives for iPhone users. Or, in the case of the Click Wheel Keyboard, intentionally obnoxious replacements that in no way make typing easier for you.

While we wouldn’t ever use the Click Wheel Keyboard to tap out an email, we can’t help but love this nostalgic effort to recall the classic iPod days of awkward inputs. Developed by Adam Bell and available for free, it takes up a mere 0.5MB and is available as of yesterday.

[Source: iTunes via The Verge]

Breaking Bad recreated in GTA5

We can’t say enough about the Rockstar Editor released with the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V (and coming to Xbox One and PS4 this summer) – it’s an immensely powerful tool that lets players create their own mini-movies, and we’ve already pointed out a few of the best so far.

This might take the cake, however. YouTube user LioN KoLLA crafted this slick two-minute homage to modern television classic Breaking Bad, hitting several of the memorable moments while recapping the larger arc of the series. Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn’t seen Breaking Bad, as it goes right up through the finale – but well worth watching if you’re a fan.

[Source: YouTube]

Google adding "buy" buttons to search

If you search for a product via Google on your phone in the near future, you may encounter the ability to buy the item simply by tapping a button. That’s the word from the Wall Street Journal, which reports that Google hopes to court more mobile income by working with advertisers to allow direct purchases straight from search listings.

That way, you don’t have to bounce over to Amazon or another retailer, and Google takes a cut, while enabling sponsored search results to have a more direct impact. It’ll only be for sponsored search results, and only a small number of them at first, but it sounds like this feature is slated to roll out in the coming weeks.

[Source: The Wall Street Journal]

SpaceX’s gorgeous Mars posters


SpaceX has lofty aspirations when it comes to space travel, but the company also knows how to appeal to hearts as well as minds. Check out the three beautiful Mars travel posters that SpaceX posted to its Flickr account on Friday, all of which have a 1950s-like aesthetic (and are available in very high-resolution, if desired) and set the red planet up as a place for adventure and excitement. Love the enthusiasm, mates.

[Source: Flickr]

Profile image of Andrew Hayward Andrew Hayward Freelance Writer


Andrew writes features, news stories, reviews, and other pieces, often when the UK home team is off-duty or asleep. I'm based in Chicago with my lovely wife, amazing son, and silly cats, and my writing about games, gadgets, esports, apps, and plenty more has appeared in more than 75 publications since 2006.

Areas of expertise

Video games, gadgets, apps, smart home