Easy on the eyes: the new Kindle Paperwhite could make an ereader out of you
Amazon raises the resolution of its ebook reader to make text even sharper

We love the glare-free Kindle Paperwhite, and now Amazon has gone and made it even better by giving it an ultra hi-res display.
A product page for an all-new edition of the ereader has appeared, listing some seriously nice specs. The latest Paperwhite makes use of a 6in display rendering 300ppi, a vast improvement on the 212ppi display of its predecessor. If text at that kind of resolution is still giving you squint-eye, then we suggest heading to the nearest optician immediately.

The Paperwhite will also ship with Amazon’s custom font Bookerly, which it says is easier to scan and causes less strain on your seeing orbs. Your hands should have an equally easy time with the new hardware as it weighs a paltry 205g while being just 9.1mm thick.
Amazon claims that the new Paperwhite is just as energy efficient as previous editions, with a single charge lasting up to six weeks (based on half an hour of use per day). If you want to read the whole list of mouthwatering specs then head over to Amazon and take a look.
Two versions of the reading tablet are listed. The 3G version will set customers back £169.99, whereas the Wi-Fi-only edition is listed at £109.99 (you’ll need to pay an extra £10 for either if you don’t want to see Amazon’s ads on the lockscreen, though). Both readers are ready for pre-order and will be dispatched for delivery on 30th June.
If you’re been stoically continuing with paperback books but looking for a reason to make the switch to digital, this is probably the best excuse you’re going to find.