August issue of Stuff magazine out now
Featuring cracking cameras, latest laptops and a cockney walkabout with 5G

Smartphone snappers are admittedly brilliant for Instagram, but largely useless for capturing hugely detailed, once-in-a-lifetime action at say Silverstone, the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, or Lord’s Cricket Ground on a Sunday afternoon.
What you really need is a proper camera, so in the August issue of Stuff we asked a pro photographer to rate the best models for everything from extreme close-up macro shots to stunning drone aerials, along with their expert tips and choice of accessories.
The photography special doesn’t end there, because we also test DJI’s new action cam complete with incredible image stabilisation skills for the wobble-afflicted, plus teach you how to get the best from GoPro’s free photo editing software, Quik.
If you are using a mobile phone to take stills and videos, or watch back the magic created with your new big boy camera, you might wish to make it one with a world first ultra-wide 4K HDR OLED display… but is Sony’s Xperia 1 flagship worth all the fuss?
From E3 to 5G

Away from the flash photography, Stuff touched down in LA to play the best video games from E3, with a surprise appearance from ‘man of the year’ contender Keanu Reeves – who now looks as undeniably dashing in virtual form as he does in real life. Sickening.
From E3 to 5G on EE, we took a OnePlus 7 Pro on a cockney walkabout around London to see just what super fast speeds we could find, and also in this month’s bumper issue there’s a Windows laptop group test, rating fine new notebooks from Asus, Dell, Razer and more, along with how to get the most from your Microsoft Surface Go.
Where to buy

If that’s not all, we’ve selected nine of the best backpacks to put your packed lunch in, taken a tearfully nostalgic look back at the Sega Dreamcast, and conducted a largely unscientific test with two pressure washers for no other reason than the weather has been a bit close recently.
Buy your freshly cut copy of Stuff from all good supermarkets and newsagents, online here with subscription special offers, online through Pocketmags or digital editions courtesy of our friends at Readly.