Apple denies it’s testing out its own wireless service
The iPhone-maker says it won't be offering its own mobile network

Relax, mobile providers. You can breathe again. Apple has denied it will be setting up its own cellular network.
Following a report from Business Insider claiming the company was already running a private trial of its own network in the United States, and had opened negotiations about expansion into Europe, Apple has told CNBC this is not the case. The iPhone manufacturer says, ‘It has not discussed and is not planning MVNO [mobile virtual network operator] cellular service.’
According to the swiftly dismissed story, Apple was planning to piggyback on existing networks with its service – just like Google’s Project Fi service. This would have meant renting the service from carriers to control almost every aspect of your iPhone experience.
As it is, the iPhone 7 is the key Apple launch we’re expecting in the near future.
[Source: Business Insider via The Verge]
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