Amazon Kindle to get games and other “active content”
Amazon has announced that it will be opening its gates to allow developers to design new content for its Kindle e-readers.Up until now, only authors a

Amazon has announced that it will be opening its gates to allow developers to design new content for its Kindle e-readers.
Up until now, only authors and publishers have been able to upload and sell content through the Kindle Store, but it now seems that we’ll be seeing games and other interactive content at some point later this year.
The new Kindle Development Kit (KDK) will provide developers with all the tools they need to provide what Amazon describes as “active content”, with EA Games being one of the first companies to sign up.
Other content we can expect includes word games & puzzles from Sonic Boom, and a guide from restaurant reviews website Zagat with the lowdown on the hotspots in cities across the world.
The KDK will go live next month for participants in the limited beta, with those on the waiting list to get invites when a space becomes available.
What content would you like to see on the Kindle? Let us know what you think to Amazon’s plans below.