Amazon Kindle get free literary classics from British Library
Free out-of-print 19th Century titles are now available to Kindle-owning eBookWorms. Amazon has cut a deal with the British Library to offer its users

Free out-of-print 19th Century titles are now available to Kindle-owning eBookWorms.
Amazon has cut a deal with the British Library to offer its users access to 65,000 of the mostly out-of-print books from the 1800s.
This means Kindle users can get their electronic fill of classics from Dickens, Austen and Conan Doyle, as well as what we’re assured are forgotten classics such as Edward Lytton’s A Strange Story.
The books were originally digitised in partnership with Microsoft Livesearch, but just because they’re digital now, doesn’t mean you have to use an ebook reader to read them. Those of you who just love the smell and feel of a real book can buy them through Amazon’s CreateSpace print-on-demand service.
Now excuse us while we settle in with our copy of Rev. Thomas Watson’s A Useful Compendium of Many Important and Curious Branches of Science and General Knowledge…
Is it enough to make you buy a Kindle? Check out our Amazon Kindle review to help you make your mind up, and while you’re there take a look at our iRiver Story review too