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5 reasons to sign up for Newsfeed, the Stuff newsletter

If you haven't already, it's high time to start getting the Stuff newsletter

You’ve come to Stuff to read about technology. For this we thank you, but we have so much more to give. Every day we publish news and features about what’s next, and reviews of the finest hardware and software money can buy. If you sign up for our daily newsletter, you won’t miss a thing. 

In fact, below are five great reasons to sign up. There are probably many more, but we know how busy you are.

Click here to sign up now!

1. You’ll never miss a big story

Yes, we did say this above, but it bears repeating. The newsletter is scientifically calibrated to highlight the most important tech news, features and reviews of the day. You’ll never be out-teched.

2. You’ll laugh

Stuff always takes a wry, slightly wonky view of technology, but sometimes we excel ourselves by writing stories that will make you laugh out loud like a fool on the train.

3. You’ll want

Just look at it. Lovely. Wouldn’t your day have been 15-20% worse if you hadn’t seen that photo? That means every day will be 15-20% worse if you don’t visit Stuff, and the newsletter will help to ensure that you do.

4. You’ll understand

At Stuff we don’t just try to entertain you with tech – we want to make sure you understand what’s coming next, so you can thrill your pals with your expertise over a midweek cocktail at the Dog and Fox. If there’s a new trend or technology you need to be appraised of, we will have you covered.

5. You’ll stop being bored (maybe forever)

Signing up to the newsletter not only nets you a daily email containing every key story, but every weekend you’ll get the Weekender, Stuff’s selection of the things you should be doing over the two following days. Our favourite music, movies, apps, activities and more, there for your delectation.

The Stuff Newsletter is completely free, so what are you waiting for? Fill in your details below to sign up – and enjoy.

Profile image of Will Findlater Will Findlater Contributing Editor


Will is a contributing editor and ex-Editor-in-Chief of Stuff. He's been here a while: since 2004, in fact. Things have changed a fair bit since then, although he still gets ribbed for his ongoing respect for 'pioneering' Windows Mobile PDAs. He lives in hope that a new gadget will some day emerge that excites him as much as his Amiga did when he was nine. (The iPhone came pretty close.)

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