The Force is with Garmin’s new Legacy Saga smartwatches
Because Jedi want to keep their phones in their pockets too

With its droids, hyperdrives, and holographic chess sets, the Star Wars universe has its fair share of enviable tech – but one thing you won’t see on Tatooine or Bespin is one of Garmin’s Legacy Saga Series smartwatches (both £350). With their Star Wars-inspired designs – one based on Darth Vader (above right), the other on Daisy Ridley’s Rey – they’d fit right in, and bring 24/7 health monitoring, on-screen workouts, smart notifications, and Garmin Pay to anybody who wears one, no matter how many midi-chlorians they have inside them. With its larger 45mm case, the Darth Vader edition’s battery lasts a day longer than Rey’s seven, but both include GPS, a heart-rate sensor and will work with both iOS and Android, so it doesn’t matter which side of the smartphone Force you’ve chosen to embrace.