The emit smartwatch removes clutter and provides razor-sharp focus for succeeding at life
If you could turn back time

Conventional watches show you the time, but don’t help you make better use of it. And smartwatches can eat into your time, filling your life with clutter and notifications. By contrast, emit (£90) wants you to own the hours you have, and minimise procrastination. It achieves this through a goals-based approach that kicks your bottom by way of countdowns to the end of key calendar events. Pie-chart visuals then detail how long you’ve taken on a particular project. Having a bad week? Swipe to view how long’s left until an aspirational goal like a holiday. Realised you’ll look like an idiot if someone asks you for the time and you show them a pie chart? Don’t worry – emit has a standard time mode too, although you probably won’t use it much.