Huge and hi-res: Sony’s ZG9 8K TV comes in 98in and 85in flavours
Big screen, bags of detail

It might currently be a struggle to find any native 8K movies or TV shows to watch on them, but 8K televisions are a big fixture of CES 2019. LG, Samsung and now Sony have all outed super hi-res sets, with the latter’s ZG9 Master Series 8K TVs coming in huge 85in and 98in screen sizes. Perhaps anticipating the criticism about the lack of 8K material, Sony’s fitted its first 8K TVs with a new X-Reality PRO upscaler, which calls upon a powerful picture processor to turn non-8K content super-sharp; a forthcoming firmware download will add Dolby Atmos and HDMI 2.1 for high frame-rate support. For those still not sold on 8K, Sony’s Master Series is getting a new OLED 4K flagship in the slim AG9 series, which comes in 55in, 65in and 77in options and, according to its makers, offers picture quality “approaching that of a professional-grade monitor”.