Parrot’s Mumbo FPV flies in to teach you drone racing
Better to crash this than your super high-end quadcopter...

You wouldn’t learn to drive in an Aston Martin (well, we didn’t anyway), so it makes sense to start your FPV drone racing career in something a little more modest than a DJI Mavic Pro. That’s the job of the Parrot Mambo FPV (£159),, a mini drone that generously comes with a tiny 720p camera, Flypad controller and the Cockpitglasses 2 goggles, which your smartphone slot into. Aside from racing mode, the Mambo FPV also sharpens your flying skills with some handy training modes, so you can learn your trade before moving onto a pricier, pro drone. Despite weighing only 63g, it can also go for ten minutes on a charge, which is more than enough time to destroy your in-laws’ priceless crockery collection.