Lego Hidden Side sets unleash a spooktacular multiplayer AR mode
Brickin’ it

Kids might all be obsessed with Fortnite, slime and competitive vaping these days, but you still can’t beat a good Lego set. To tempt more sprogs back to the brick, Lego last year released haunting new range Hidden Side. Now 14 sets strong, Hidden Side (£17.99–£109.99) features builds with scary bits lurking within – such as ravenous glowing green jaws that appear when you flip some bricks. But the range is further boosted by AR: point the Android/iOS app at a fully constructed Hidden Side model (assuming you haven’t made too many changes) and you’ll get to blast ghosts, and partake in multiplayer larks hunting spooks with chums, or being the ghost and hiding from a player-controlled ghost-hunter. Your sets don’t dissolve into the background either – you interact with them as you play, meaning the two worlds are well and truly merged.