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Home / Hot Stuff / Tech toys / Kitchen Aid’s ‘Iconic’ fridge matches its iconic mixer

Kitchen Aid’s ‘Iconic’ fridge matches its iconic mixer

That which we call an ‘Icon’, by any other name, would still be just a fridge

Some chefs have a spiritual outlook, attributing almost religious significance to their equipment. They must use a particular oven, or a certain mixer, or the recipe will fail. Some might say that’s ridiculous, and that the superstition is simply science, mixed with experience – knowing the hot spots of your oven, or the speed at which your mixer can stretch gluten molecules. A fridge, however, is a fridge and even the most cosmic crystal-adorned cook would cackle at the use of the word ‘Iconic’ in its title. Available in red, cream and black for £1300, the 221-litre Kitchen Aid ‘Nice’ Fridge launches on 1st May.

Profile image of Fraser Macdonald Fraser Macdonald consulting editor


Fraser used to wear a Psion Series 3 palmtop in a shoulder holster. Perhaps he still does.Either way, his lifelong mission - including fourteen years for Stuff - has been to see whether the consumer electronics industry can ever replicate that kind of cyborgian joy.So far: nope. Despite a plan to combine a action camera and Olympus Eye-Trek goggles to become Man Who Sees The Vision Of A Man Three Inches Taller Than Himself.He also likes mountain bikes, motorbikes, cars, helicopters. Still thinks virtual surround is witchcraft. Dislikes jetskis, despite never having been on one. 

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