Mudita Pure is a minimalist E-ink take on an old-school mobile phone
It’s a bit of all white

Android and iOS devices promote wellbeing by way of screen time and health apps, but Mudita Pure ($258) wants to eradicate digital distractions from your life entirely. Like a science-fiction take on an old-school phone, this blower takes everything offline. There’s no internet (although the phone can serve as a tethered data modem for your laptop), no camera, no email, and no app store. But that doesn’t mean it entirely lacks capabilities. There’s a built-in music player to use with the Harman loudspeaker, notes app, calendar, and two SIM slots. The E Ink display removes blue light emission, and ultra-low SAR reduces the energy your bonce absorbs during the relatively rare moments you’re using the phone. To further promote the conscious use of technology, there’s a meditation timer, too. And as a final nod to nostalgia, yes, there’s a headphone port. Take that, Apple and Samsung!