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Home / Hot Stuff / Smartphones / Bye bye bezels: LG’s G6 is a super-sized smartphone surprise

Bye bye bezels: LG’s G6 is a super-sized smartphone surprise

Modular madness kicked to the kerb in favour of flagship-friendly features

We loved the G5’s modular weirdness, with its ability to slot in a spare battery, an audio DAC or a handy camera grip. We didn’t ever use it, but it was a refreshing idea. The G6, LG says, is back to straight-up superphone and no unusualness. Liars! The screen of the G6 is extraordinary in that it’s an 18:9 aspect ratio – taller than most phone screens. To what end? A pub brag, mainly, citing a better-than-QHD resolution of 2880×1440 and a 5.7in display that fits in roughly the same shell as the 5.2in G5 screen. And that’s with the added rubbery bits to make it waterproof. Good work, LG.

Profile image of Tom Morgan-Freelander Tom Morgan-Freelander Deputy Editor


A tech addict from about the age of three (seriously, he's got the VHS tapes to prove it), Tom's been writing about gadgets, games and everything in between for the past decade, with a slight diversion into the world of automotive in between. As Deputy Editor, Tom keeps the website ticking along, jam-packed with the hottest gadget news and reviews.  When he's not on the road attending launch events, you can usually find him scouring the web for the latest news, to feed Stuff readers' insatiable appetite for tech.

Areas of expertise

Smartphones/tablets/computing, cameras, home cinema, automotive, virtual reality, gaming

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