Rockubot is like a Roomba for your bed that kills bugs, plays music, and charges your phone
Rock out

Having put the unpleasant notion of going to bed being like “sleeping on trashbags” (due to bacteria and bugs), the Rockubot (£79) folks are keen to offer their solution. More or less a Roomba for your bed, the little white robot trundles about under the covers, using UV light to vaporise anything nasty that’s lurking. Sensors and smart mapping tech ensure that it doesn’t fall out of bed like a drunk student, and a Bluetooth speaker enables the device to belt out top tunes while it works. And that’s not all. There’s a handheld mode that lets you sanitise phones and computers, if someone particularly unsavoury last used them, or a toy that’s fallen into something yucky. Rockubot even has a use when off-duty, transforming into an impromptu power bank and charging your phone wirelessly or via USB.