Cleansebot is like a tiny Roomba on a mission to obliterate bacteria and bugs from your bed
This Kickstarter will clean up

Research suggests hotel light switches alone are bacteria heaven – and you really don’t want to know what might be in the beds. So send Cleansebot ($99) to nuke nasties. This diminutive 220g wheeled device is designed to sanitise and disinfect any surface, using UV-C lamps to blast away germs. It’ll work for three hours on a single charge, using 18 sensors to intelligently trundle around on tabletops and beds. There’s a handheld mode, too; and during Cleansebot’s downtime, its 3700 mAh battery can be put to use giving your phone a juice boost. Mostly, though, this one’s raring for a spot of ‘press and go’, whether used under the covers, in the kitchen, on a toilet, or with children’s toys. (Probably buy more than one if keen on all those use cases, mind.)