Six reasons why you need a projector instead of a TV
Easy-to-use, compact and affordable, 4K projectors have finally come of age.

Time was, if you wanted to watch telly at home, the humble CRT was the only option (considerable “junk in the trunk” included). Then, before even flat-panel televisions, older projectors promised cinematic thrills at home in exchange for tens of thousands of pounds and the pain of a bulky box that required a gantry to install.
Today, we’re spoiled for choice. Flat-panel TVs, even at the low-end, do a great job of pumping out Netflix and video game pixels at 4K resolution and at a hefty screen-size. But what if you wanted to go big? Really big? An 88-inch TV from Samsung costs a whopping £4,449, while a 77-inch OLED from LG costs £7,999. And a 100-inch TV? Forget about it.
Fortunately, thanks to some clever pixel trickery known as “pixel shifting” or “XPR” technology, you can skip the TV and go straight to a true 4K projector that casts a whopping 100-inch image.
Still not convinced? Here are six reasons (and a handy video) why 2018 is the year of the projector.
1. Yes, size is important
2. Party Ready

3. All the pixels

4. You don’t have to sit in the dark

5. easy to install

6. They’re finally affordable

Perhaps the most surprising killer feature of modern 4K projectors is the price. First-generation 4K UHD projectors cost more £10,000, but thanks to clever engineering the likes of BenQ’s TK800, which even includes HDR support, they now cost less than £1200. Try finding a 100-inch 4K TV for that kind of money – or lifting it one-handed, as you can with a 4K UHD video projector.
Click here to learn more about the TK800.