Simba’s Earth mattress range has QuadCore technology (but not the type you’re thinking of)
The new 100% recyclable mattress range is also free from glue and foam

As the hands of time continue their incessant ticking, I’ve grown to view mattresses with the same awe and excitement that I once reserved only for the likes of an official Power Ranger Megazord. And the new Simba Earth mattress range in particular has caught my attention, thanks to its sustainable materials and use of QuadCore technology. But not the sort you’d find in your smartphone.
In essence, QuadCore is simply referring to the fact that the springs are grouped together in bundles of four, as opposed to the more traditional setup of entire rows or larger groups. This reduces the annoying ripple effects and motion transfer associated with more traditional spring mattresses, which can often lead to a stressful night’s sleep for light sleepers while their slumbering partners toss and turn with reckless abandon.
The springs themselves are also fixed without any glue in sight. Instead, Simba has opted for the much cooler-sounding method of sonic welding, which is not only better for the environment, but also leaves the springs completely untouched and undamaged — all the better for them to move completely individually.

On that note, there’s not a drop of glue or scrap of foam to be found anywhere in the Simba Earth range. Instead, you’ll find naturally sustainable materials including a blend of soft, springy UK wool and cotton, along with resilient Workshire-grown hemp and flax. The higher-end Apex mattress also features soft cashmere, wool, silk, and mohair for extra luxurious cushioning.
The Simba Earth collection is available now, directly from Simba, and consists of three mattresses — the Earth Source, Earth Escape, and Earth Apex. Prices start from £999, £1399 and £2199, respectively.