Lego meets Stranger Things in this Upside-Down set with miniature Demogorgon
Dials Lego up to Eleven

Assuming the characters in Stranger Things aren’t making a meal of it, you don’t want to end up in the Upside-Down, a freaky, deadly reflection of our world, ruled over by the Mind Flayer and vicious Demogorgons. Fortunately, Lego’s latest set (£179.99) makes it a cinch to escape – just flip it upside-down. Right way up, you get a blocky take on 1980s Hawkins, Indiana, featuring the Byers family home, Chief Hopper’s police cruiser, and seven of the show’s protagonists. Turn their world upside-down, and you get its blue-tinged mirror immortalised in Lego – even including a dinky Demogorgon minifig. Awwww! (Actually, it might look cute; but if the TV show’s any guide, it’ll tear your face off – so watch out.)