Nintendo gives its 3DS XL a SNES-inspired makeover
Get your pre-ordering finger ready...

Missed out on pre-ordering a SNES Mini? Yeah, you and everybody else. But here’s a second chance of sorts. Nintendo has given its 3DS XL a SNES-inspired makeover, with a paint job and buttons reminiscent of the classic ’90s console. Aside from that it’s the same excellent handheld: larger screens, better 3D and a C stick added above the buttons on the right-hand side. It doesn’t come preloaded with any classic SNES games but with the Virtual Console onboard, surely Ninty would be missing a trick not to release some. The 3DS XL – Super Nintendo Entertainment System Edition (to give it its full name) will be available from 13 October but keep an eye out for pre-orders. You wouldn’t want to miss out on one of these too, would you?