The Nikon D6 is the camera you’ll need to keep up with the 2020 Olympians
Burst mode

Whether it’s a peregrine falcon you’re tracking or Dina Asher-Smith, the chunky 20.8MP full frame DSLR is going to do the trick – provided you know what you’re doing. The new sensor paired with the revamped and powerful Expeed 6 engine can capture maximum speeds of 14fps with E-type lenses, but when shooting via the rear LCD display, it’ll top out at 10.5fps with autofucus tracking. The newspapers won’t pay you any cash for blurry photos of an unrecognisable homo sapien jumping in a sandpit, so Nikon has designed a must faster and sharper AF system. The D6 rocks a 105 point all cross-type system, allowing you to select every single point, giving you total control. There’s more – record 4K in-camera with focus peaking, plus an MP4 option too. ISO spans from 100 to 102,400 and the other important large number you’ve been waiting for? That’ll be £6,299 when, and if, you pick up one of these absolute workhorses in April.