5 things to know about Amazon Alexa Blueprints
Build your own Alexa skills, no coding required!

Alexa skills are all well and good, but if you want to get one published, you need to program it yourself or have thousands of pounds to spend on a developer to make one.
Now, though, Amazon has rolled out Blueprints, which allows budding Skills sorcerers to make their own skills, no coding required! Of course, there are limitations to what you can do with Blueprints, but on the plus side, it is completely free to try out if you own any Amazon Echo device. So, what are Blueprints and how can you get involved?
Here’s everything you need to know…
1) Head to blueprints.amazon.co.uk

Want to make your own Alexa skill?
Just go to blueprints.amazon.co.uk, sign in with your Amazon Alexa account details, and you can get cracking right away. There are templates you can adapt, such as bedtime stories for your kids, or you can get stuck in and create them yourself.
The basic idea, though, is that Blueprints allows you to create a set of pre-programmed responses to whatever questions you might ask it. Like what? Well, that leads us on to our next point…
2) The best feature? A guide for guests in your home

3) It’s also good for kids
4) It’s can also be used for amusing/teasing people in your house