The 30 best Nintendo Switch games to play today
For every type of gamer

Back when the Nintendo Switch console was first released, we didn’t know whether there’d be enough games beyond The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to keep us entertained. How wrong we were. Here’s our guide to the best Nintendo Switch games.
More than 1,000 games later – including many, many gems in the mix – the Switch has proven to be an absolutely essential console. Nintendo has pumped the system full of great exclusives, but it also has many of greatest picks from other platforms including a treasure trove of indie favourites.
Looking for something fresh to play, or just want to make sure you’ve hit all of the essentials? Take your pick from the best Switch games below and you can’t go wrong. Want a headset as well? Check out our guide to the best gaming headsets.
Additional words: Andrew Hayward and Jack Needham
- Which Switch is best for you? Nintendo Switch review, our Switch Lite review and our Switch OLED review
1) Luigi’s Mansion 3
Luigi’s Mansion has always been a much-loved franchise with the Nintendo hardcore, but as the biggest Switch launch of 2019 so far, beating out his more famous twin and that Link fella, the series’ third entry sees the green-suited scaredy cat offically go mainstream.
Happily, the game is absolutely worth its success. In our five star review, our reviewer said Luigi’s Mansion 3 feels like a playable cartoon, elevated to greatness by its creative, varied level design and clever puzzles. Then there’s Gooigi, Luigi’s Flubber-like sidekick who can be called upon at any time to help our hero out. Get ghost-hunting.
Read More › Luigi’s Mansion 3 review
2) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
No doubt: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate absolutely lives up to its name. It’s both a greatest hits package of the long-running series to date and also a strong step forward in terms of the amount of content available to soak in.
Packed with 74 fighters on in the base game, including every previous brawler and some new ones, you’ll have a blast mashing attack buttons and pummeling the likes of Mario, Link, and the Splatoon kids (among many others). The new Spirit system provides a truly incredible amount of classic gaming references to unlock, and the core hook of pummeling gaming’s greatest heroes still hasn’t faded.
Read More › Super Smash Bros. Ultimate review
3) Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 takes the best elements from previous games in the series, namely their tradition of creating scope and spectacle, but serves up perhaps it most memorable story to date, starring a cast of characters we were happy to spend over 100 hours the company of.
It may still scare off newcomers, especially those not keen on anime or cutscenes that seem to last forever. But if you’re looking for a meaty JRPG with engaging combat and a sprawling story about hope triumphing in even the darkest times, add this to your Switch library immediately.
4) Hades
That Supergiant Games’ dungeon-crawling indie masterpiece beat AAA big-hitter The Last of Us Part II to our 2020 game of the year award is a testament to just how brilliant it is. In Hades you play as Zagreus, the rebellious son of the titular god of the dead. Encouraged by the Gods of Olympus, Zagreus is determined to escape the underworld and his fun sponge of a father, but doing so is no easy job.
Hades is a rogue-like dungeon crawler, which means procedurally generated levels that ensure no escape attempt is ever the same as the last. But unlike most rogue-likes, which steal away all your progress every time you die (and you will die, a lot), here you retain much of what you collect in a run, allowing you to upgrade your stats, unlock new weapons and pick up valuable advice from the House of Hades’ colourful residents upon each return. It’s this feeling of constant progress that makes Hades so compelling, and when you add varied combat, superb writing and fantastic art directon to the mix, you have something unmissable.
5) Splatoon 3
Splatoon is a shooting game not too concerned with accuracy or multikills. Splatoon is a game of chaos that falls under a ‘shooter’ because there’s nothing else quite like it out there. Quickly cementing itself as a Nintendo staple, the Splatoon series is arguably the best shooter on the Switch platform.
Splatoon 3 built on its past incarnations with improved mechanics and a few new features. It remains as frantic as ever, with beefed up Turf Wars, Salmon Run and single player modes. There are a few new weapons, such as a bow and arrow, and player customisation options that ramp up the fun. All this, alongside a good ol’ polish, make Splatoon’s third instalment the benchmark of the franchise.
Read more › Splatoon 3 review
6) The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
In case you’d forgotten, the Nintendo Switch launched with a Zelda game that revolutionised the beloved series and shifted all of our expectations about what an open-world game can and should be. As a remake of a 1993 Game Boy game, Link’s Awakening is a bit more traditional.
But that doesn’t make it any less essential than Breath of the Wild for Zelda fans. While remarkably faithful to the original, the game has been rebuilt from the ground up with a gorgeous, toy-like visual style. And Link’s Awakening has always been an intriguing Zelda anomaly. It’s one of the few games in the franchise that doesn’t take place in Hyrule, Zelda is nowhere to be seen and, for some reason (never explained) Koholint Island is inhabited by Chain Chomps and Goombas, usually only found in Nintendo’s other quite popular series.
Unashamedly old-fashioned, but it’s aged like a fine wine.
Read more › The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening review
7) The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Now this is controversial. Since the Nintendo Switch launched it looked like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild would remain in this list for as long as it existed, but after much deliberation we’ve decided to replace it with this year’s sequel. It’s not that Tears of the Kingdom makes its predecessor a bad game; Breath of the Wild is no less of an all-time great than it was when it first launched alongside the Switch in 2017. It’s just that Tears of the Kingdom does everything better.
The kingdom of Hyrule is just as richly drawn as it was in BotW, only now it also includes both the sky islands and the depths, giving the world a sense of verticality and scale that continues to blow us away several months from launch. And then there’s Link’s new powers, the headliner of which being Ultrahand, which allows our Hylian hero to build anything from a bridge to a screen-filling tank, and approach the game’s puzzles in any way you wish.
Breath of the Wild reinvented Zelda and set a new bar for open-world game design. As a direct sequel, Tears of the Kingdom was never going to be that impactful, but if you’re going to spend 100 hours in one of them, there’s really no contest.
Read more › The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild review
8) Super Mario Odyssey
Got a Switch? If so, you’ll need Super Mario Odyssey stat. Alongside Zelda, it’s one of the absolute best reasons to have the handheld. In fact, if you don’t have the Switch, we advise running out and buying one with both of those games right now. Go on, we’ll wait.
Odyssey is a phenomenal new 3D entry that builds upon the likes of Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy with huge, open environments and loads upon loads of collectable moons to uncover by completing challenges and exploring. And this time around, Mario isn’t alone: his hat is actually an odd creature that can inhabit other living things, letting Mario control and use the myriad abilities of his many iconic enemies. Strange, right? Yes, but it’s a total delight.
Read more › Super Mario Odyssey review
9) Pikmin 4
Despite being over 20 years old, the Pikmin series has never returned Nintendo the kind of numbers a Mario or Zelda game typically brings in. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t beloved, and the Switch-exclusive fourth entry is the most approachable and content-rich of the bunch. Like its predecessors, Pikmin 4 is an adventure game with real-time strategy elements, in which you play as a miniature astronaut who assembles and orders around squads of tiny plant-animal hybrid creatures called Pikmin. These adorable little guys can help you solve puzzles, carry treasures and fight enemies, with different types deployed for different scenarios, and the game is all about efficiently managing both your Pikmin and time.
Pikmin 4 introduces a dog-like companion called Oatchi who’s able to carry both you and your Pikmin on his back, as well as help out with tasks. The space pup’s addition makes exploration more enjoyable than ever, and while the chilled-out nature of the campaign is a far cry from the race against time that made the very first entry so memorably stressful, we think even hardcore players will have a tough time resisting the various quality-of-life improvements on offer here.
Throw in new nighttime expeditions and the most detailed and varied levels in the series to date, and you’ve got a Pikmin game for newcomers and longtime fans alike.
10) Metroid Dread
As the first brand new 2D Metroid in nearly 20 years and the one supposed to bring a story arc that began all the way back in 1986 to a close, there was a lot riding on Samus Aran’s Switch debut.
Happily, then, Metroid Dread is an absolutely fantastic Metroid game that comfortably sits alongside the many critically adored Metroidvanias that the series has inspired. Samus has never felt this good to control, and while the game follows a similar template to the one made famous by the entries before it, there are enough additions to make it feel fresh.
You can’t talk about Metroid Dread without mentioning the EMMI, the terrifying unit of robots-gone-rogue that hunt Samus as she explores the Planet ZDR. No matter how many suit power-ups the bounty hunter recovers throughout the game, most of the time she’ll be defenceless against the EMMI, which leads to some thrilling chase sequences.
Intricately designed and boasting some of the best boss fights in the series, Dread is a must-play for Metroid fans old and new.
Read More › Metroid Dread review
11) Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Animal Crossing has always been a relaxing escape from reality, but New Horizons couldn’t have come along at a better time.
In this, the first entry on Switch, you find yourself volunteering to be part of a desert island relocation, lead as you’d expect by the ever-resourceful property tycoon Tom Nook. It’s up to you and your swelling anthropomorphic animal posse to turn the island into a paradise, but the game asks very little of you.
Spend the day fishing or collecting fossils, chat to the locals or just spend hours designing outfits. It’s really up to you, and you won’t find a more pleasant gaming experience on any system.
12) A Short Hike
There’s nothing like a good aimless walk to nourish the soul, and A Short Hike understands this as well as any game we’ve played. As
Claire, an anthropomorphic bird, your loose goal is to reach the summit of Hawk Peak Provincial Park, a wonderfully dense little island resort, in a quest to receive a phone signal.
But if you’re playing the game properly, Claire is in absolutely no hurry, because while you can feasibly finish A Short Hike in an hour or two, doing so means you’ll miss out on a host of quirky side quests offered up by the island’s various animal residents. From fishing to cross-country foot races and volleyball, A Short Hike rewards easily distracted players who explore, and when you do finally get to the highest point, trust us when we say it’s worth it.
13) Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope
The first Mario + Rabbids game was surprisingly brilliant. The sequel unsurprisingly improves on a good thing and makes the tactical turn-based battles that form the meat of the experience even more accessible.
In Sparks of Hope, Mario and the now fully voiced (but still very weird) Rabbids head to space to chase down a new big bad, joining up with some new Rabbids and extremely familiar Mushroom Kingdom residents along the way. The story is mostly nonsense, but that doesn’t matter when the new combat system is so good. You can now move freely around the battlefield during a turn, which is a huge departure from the grid system traditionally adopted by strategy games, and is just a lot more intuitive. Each character has a very specialised moveset, which means gameplay never gets stale, while a truly wonderful score means every second spent in this world is a treat for the ears.
- Read more: Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope review
14) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
While it might just seem like a mere port on the surface, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe takes the excellent Wii U edition and patches its one big deficiency, all while adding the excellent DLC as standard – and then does more.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe packs in a staggering 48 courses and 42 playable drivers, along with an array of vehicles and equipment, and the gravity-defying tracks are some of the series’ most dazzling creations to date. Better yet, it now has a proper Battle mode like the games of old, and the entire experience is playable anywhere. It’s tremendously fun.
Read more › Mario Kart 8 Deluxe review
15) Ori and the Will of the Wisps
The stunning Ori and the Will of the Wisps is one of the best-looking games ever made, for our money rivalling even some of the greatest animated movies for imagination and wonder, and it’s a minor miracle that it runs as well as it does on Switch, maintaining a silky smooth 60fps throughout.
In this brilliant Metroidvania, you play an acrobatic spirit creature called Ori, who adventures into a mysterious forest to search for a lost owlet. Like its predecessor, Ori and the Blind Forest, Will of the Wisps is deceptively difficult, but never feels unfair, and its emphasis on slowly uncovering its many secrets makes it a perfect portable game. If you haven’t already played it on Xbox One, this one’s unmissable.
16) Celeste
A tough as nails 2D platformer about living with anxiety, Celeste might not scream ‘fun’ in the same way Super Mario Odyssey does but this charming tale about climbing a mountain absolutely ranks as a Nintendo Switch essential. The key is in its simplicity with each level being divided into bite-sized chunks that you’ll fail at over and over until finding your way across a seemingly insurmountable crevasse. The further towards the summit, the more challenging things get and the more powers you’ll amass to help you achieve the seemingly impossible.
Combined with a charming 16-bit art style and some exhilarating level design, Celeste adds up to an absolute gem of a game. And if things get too tough? There are some genius features you can turn on to make your journey easier.
17) Bayonetta 3
The multiverse is very much in vogue, and dimension—hopping is the order of the day in Bayonetta’s third outing, which longtime fans will be glad to know hits new levels of bonkers.
The queen of character action games has successfully dealt with angels and demons, and in Bayonetta 3 her wild weaponry must be directed at a new, man-made threat. Combat has always been the star of this series, and fully controllable demons are added to your arsenal in the third entry, an idea that isn’t always elegant in its execution, but doesn’t half add to the spectacle. Sometimes the scale of the game’s set pieces is too much for the creaky Switch to handle, and not all the new features improve the experience, but at its best Bayonetta 3 is a stunning end to this deliriously OTT and very un-Nintendo trilogy that was well with the wait.
18) NieR: Automata – The End of YoRHa Edition
As a game that famously necessitates multiple playthroughs to see the story properly resolved, NieR: Automata always felt destined for a portable platform like the Switch. And we’re delighted to report that it runs brilliantly on Nintendo’s aging hardware.
In NieR: Automata you play as an android named 2B who’s part of a task force sent to rescue a post-apocalyptic Earth from machine occupation. The game is an action RPG that marries balletic combat and fantastic music with some of the richest storytelling in gaming, interrogating what it means to be human without any actual humans present. You owe it to yourself to play it through at least once, and the Switch lets you do that anywhere.
19) Tetris Effect: Connected
This genuinely life-affirming reinvention of arguably the most famous puzzle game of all time is superb whether you play it in VR, on a home console, or on the Nintendo Switch in your hands, but there’s something about the latter option that just feels right.
It’s probably the memories we all have of playing Tetris on the Game Boy for hours on end all those years ago that make Tetris Effect: Connected feel like it belongs on a handheld, and once you’ve put on some headphones, turned off the lights and let the game’s marriage of sound, music, visuals and timeless gameplay work its magic, there’s really nothing else that compares. A masterpiece.
20) Persona 5 Royal
Part social sim, part supernatural dungeon-crawling RPG, Persona 5 Royal is the high point of Atlus’ beloved RPG series, and arguably the most stylish game ever made. It’s also over one hundred hours long, which makes the game’s long-awaited arrival on Switch such great news. After all, grinding your way through endless turn-based battles is a lot more palatable when you can do it while half-watching something on Netflix.
In Persona 5 Royal you play as a teenager forced to transfer to a new school in modern-day Tokyo. The game takes place over the course of one school year, and a massive part of the experience is simply existing as a student: attending classes, forming bonds with classmates and eating lots of great Japanese food. After school, you’ll spend most of your time in a supernatural realm trying to steal bad intentions from the hearts of malevolent adults. Standard stuff, then. Whether you’re grabbing ramen with a pal or conducting a heist of someone’s corrupted subconscious, Persona 5 Royal is a uniquely engrossing experience, and the Switch feels like its natural home.
21) Kirby and the Forgotten Land
We really didn’t know what to expect from the first fully 3D outing for Nintendo’s enduringly popular pink puffball. The first trailer gave us Super Mario Odyssey vibes, but Kirby and the Forgotten Land is actually a very traditional point-to-point 3D platformer. It just happens to be a brilliant one. Arguably the friendliest game on Switch, it’s a joy to explore the cutest post-apocalypse you’ll ever see as everyone’s favourite pink blob, sucking up both “enemies” and random objects when Mouthful Mode opportunities present themselves.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land is one of the best Switch games for kids, but fully-grown Nintendo fans will get just as much enjoyment out of the frankly bonkers sci-fi turn this game takes towards the end. We’ll say no more than that.
22) Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Donkey Kong is a legend in the same way that most people regard Stan Lee and Paul McCartney. There’s no doubting he changed popular culture in a massive way, but that doesn’t mean you’re all that bothered about his new stuff. With the arrival of Tropical Freeze on Switch from its original home of the ill-fated Wii U, you should make an exception.
Rather than reinvent the platforming formula a la Super Mario Odyssey, this outing from Nintendo’s most famous simian polishes its frenetic 2D combination of jumping and climbing to a dazzling sheen.
What it lacks in originality is made up for in variety and charm, so that each of this game’s 60-odd levels bristles with an irresistible joi de vivre. So long as you’re OK with falling down potholes, being crushed by giant boulders and generally dying a whole lot. Tropical Freeze is not a game that you could describe as ‘easy’.
23) Portal Companion Collection
By now you really ought to have played the Portal games, as they are for our money the two finest puzzle games ever committed to code. But if for some reason Valve’s duo of masterpieces have passed you by, you’ll be happy to know that both games are now available on the Switch, and they perform extremely well.
Both Portal and its more ambitious sequel run near flawlessly at 60fps on Nintendo’s console, and the mind-bending puzzles are very well suited to handheld play. If you’ve never played Portal or Portal 2, fix that right now, but even those familiar with GLaDOS’ wicked ways should seriously consider the double dip. These games somehow feel as fresh now as they did 15 years ago.
24) Metroid Prime Remastered
The long wait for Metroid Prime 4, which definitely, probably exists, goes on, but to tide us over Nintendo has finally put the original on Switch, and while Metroid Prime is more than 20 years old, Samus’ first 3D outing somehow feels as fresh now as it did then. Tallon IV remains one of the most intricately designed settings in all of gaming, and exploring it through the legendary bounty hunter’ eyes is a thrill whether it’s your first time or fifteenth.
Metroid Prime Remastered isn’t technically a ground-up remake, but the GameCube classic has had a serious glow-up here. It’s easily one of the best looking games on Switch, while the modernised twin stick control schemes are a much appreciated addition, even if some may still choose to go old-school. What hasn’t changed is the game’s refusal to hold the player’s hand, meaning you’re bound to get lost now and again, nor has the slightly unforgiving checkpointing. And yes, there’s a lot of backtracking. But few games can match Metroid Prime for atmosphere and its pitch perfect combination of platforming, exploration and first-person combat. It was a masterpiece then, and nothing has changed in 2023.
Read more › Metroid Prime Remastered review
25) Super Mario Bros. Wonder
We’ll admit. When Nintendo announced in the summer of 2023 that its next Mario game was a 2D entry, our heart sank a little bit. Where was Super Mario Odyssey 2, we complained. Now we feel guilty, because Super Mario Bros. Wonder is not only the best 2D Mario game since the SNES era, but it’s every bit as imaginative as one of the plumber’s three-dimensional outings.
The introduction of the trippy Wonder Flower power-up gave Nintendo’s design wizards license to get weird with their ideas, and what we got in return was a smorgasbord of joyous platforming creativity. Add to this a seemingly Dark Souls-inspired online multiplayer component and a fun badge system that changes the way Mario traverses each level, and you’ve got a 2D platformer for the ages. And we haven’t even mentioned the fact that Nintendo’s moustachioed mascot can turn into an elephant in this game. That’s how good Super Mario Bros. Wonder is.
Read more › Super Mario Bros. Wonder review
26) Vampire Survivors
Since day one Vampire Survivors has been an immovable object on our best Steam Deck games list, so it was inevitable that this (literally) cheap-as-chips roguelite shoot ‘em up was going to be a must-have on Switch too when it eventually turned up. Poncle’s BAFTA-winning time survival game, in which you have 30 minutes to survive endless waves of enemies with a character whose weapons and abilities can be upgraded throughout each run, is a masterclass in minimalist design and enticing players into its loop.
The game has also been astonishingly well supported since launch, with new levels, various multiplayer modes and even a story mode (due to arrive on Switch soon) gradually added to what was already a very generous offering. Put simply, you need Vampire Survivors on your Switch.
27) Sea of Stars
The Nintendo Switch is the perfect console for RPGs, and with developer Sabotage Studio citing the likes of SNES classics Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG as a source of inspiration for its throwback take on that particular era of the genre, there’s arguably no better place to play Sea of Stars. While not as sharply written as some of the games whose ideas it draws from, pretty much everything else about Sea of the Stars is bang on the money, from the sumptuous pixel art to the rock solid turn-based combat and incredible music.
While clearly in love with JRPGs from the 16-bit era, Sabotage Studio also wisely strips away the elements of the genre that have aged decidedly less well, like random battles and tedious grinding. What you get is a modern take on a classic that is so effective that it can make you feel nostalgic for the good old days, even if you weren’t there for them.
28) Super Mario RPG
Super Mario RPG isn’t the best RPG on Switch, and many would argue that subsequent Mario-starring RPGs bettered it. But none of those games would exist if this one hadn’t come first, and the Switch remake is the easiest way to experience what is almost certainly the most delightfully weird game in the plumber’s long history. For Super Mario RPG, Nintendo handed the keys to its prized mascot to Square (before the Enix era), who essentially made a Final Fantasy game in the Mushroom Kingdom, and to this day there’s still nothing quite like it.
The 2023 remake of Super Mario RPG completely modernises the graphics, but keeps virtually everything else the same, quirks and all, which means it still has all the zaniness and off-kilter characters that would slowly disappear from later Mario RPG games, along with the traditional RPG systems that made the original so compelling. It definitely lacks the complexity of other genre classics, but the varied environments, hilarious writing and irresistible music make this a must-play for Nintendo fans.
Read more › Super Mario RPG review
29) Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
The Nintendo DS was a hotbed for imaginative game design, and one of the very best examples of that creative spirit was Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, a puzzle game about an amnesiac ghost named Sissel who has the power to prevent the unfortunate incidents that led to the deaths of the real-world people he encounters from the afterlife. It also made great use of the DS’ dual screens, something the Switch lacks. Luckily, Ghost Trick is just as brilliant on Nintendo’s current platform, and the game’s fantastic visual style is even better in the age of HD.
You can use either the touchscreen or analogue sticks to move between the various objects Sissel is able to possess in order to solve puzzles and slowly uncover the mystery behind his own death, and while the game is still arguably most at home on the platform it was originally designed to be played on, if you missed it then, you really shouldn’t make the same mistake twice.
30) Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
The Switch is home to some of the best Metroidvania games ever made, and to be honest, when it was announced we weren’t expecting Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown to join that group. But Ubisoft Montpelier’s reimagining of one of gaming’s longest running series’ really is that good. Controlling protagonist Sargon (note: not the prince of Persia) feels fantastic, which is just as well given how tricky some of the platforming sections can be. Combat is often less of a focus in Metroidvanias but here it’s excellent, letting you pull off all manner of combos both on the ground and in the air, and serving up consistently thrilling boss battles that force you to make use of all your abilities.
A mention, too, for the Memory Shard system, which lets you take in-game screenshots of locations you want to return to later when you have the required ability and easily find them on your map. Every game in the genre should have this. You can play Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown and all platforms, but it runs at a smooth 60fps on Switch and feels made for handheld play.