Tech toys
Kitchen Aid’s ‘Iconic’ fridge matches its iconic mixer
That which we call an ‘Icon’, by any other name, would still be just a fridge

Parihug is a vibrating bear that lets you sends hugs from afar
Physical affection, without the physical connection

The Automat is a music maker’s robot bonker
Because 12 channels of bonging, clanging and rattling is what your ‘music’ was lacking

Smeg wants you to know it’s Italian, via this Sicilian special
Dolce&Gabbana did the paint job. We already knew they were Italian

Line-us is a robot arm that’ll doodle just like you
It’s a connected copycat scribbler for sharing your sketches

Unicorn’s Bluetooth board does the smarts, letting you just do the darts
Maths teachers and arithmetic fans: roll your eyes in (501-498), (501-499), (501-500)…

Joto’s Alexa-connected whiteboard is not for teenage boys
Unless you want endless, um, anatomy pics