Assassin’s Creed Rogue to bridge timelines on Xbox 360 and PS3 this November
With Unity only on new-gen platforms, Ubisoft plots another ship-centric quest

With Unity only on new-gen platforms, Ubisoft plots another ship-centric quest
Update 11/06/14: Now that the dust has settled on Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft’s press conferences, here are the highlights
The promise of a GTA base with a geeky hacking topping has had Stuff’s excitement receptors tingling for a while, but does Watch_Dogs really deliver?
Snap out of your morning haze by catching up on the hottest tidbits of tech news
Latest open-world shooter entry shakes up the locale, but hopefully keeps the mayhem
What happens when the minds behind Far Cry 3 make a JRPG? Child of Light, that’s what
It’s been delayed and censored, and yet The Stick of Truth is still perhaps the definitive South Park game
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