Report suggests Apple’s waterproof iPhone 7 may hide antenna lines
An iPhone for the elements and no antenna markings? Yes, please

An iPhone for the elements and no antenna markings? Yes, please
Waiting for a 3D Touch-enabled iPad? Even spring might be too soon
And risk infuriating millions of headphone owners? Good luck, Apple
Please be real, please be real, please be real…
Sort of puts a damper on this week’s iPhone 6s news, no?
And by working, we mean booting to a picture of a gear…
Has Apple decided it’s time to give its phone’s celebrated snapper a 4MP bump?
Report details how the Apple Watch feature will transform iPhone interactions
It could be a very busy – and expensive – month for Apple aficionados
Psst. Wanna see what the inside of Apple’s next phone might look like?
Dreams of a star-shaped iPhone 7 are well and truly shattered
The added thickness might just be to accommodate Force Touch, but a stronger phone sounds good too
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