A robot will be second in the world to get the iPhone 6s
Even cold mechanical hearts can’t resist the new iPhone

Even cold mechanical hearts can’t resist the new iPhone
Is the 6s Plus any more than just a scaled up 6s? Well this time round it might just be…
Get the week started with a fresh blast of top tech news
The year’s premier phablets go head-to-head in an all-out spec battle
Apple says overall 6s preorders are high, and the larger model is already harder to get
All the tech news you need to get this week started off right
You can pay monthly for an iPhone 6s and then upgrade in a year – at least in the States
They’re here! They’re finally here! All aboard the Hype Train
Pre-orders start from 12 September, so you’d best be camping at Apple’s online store this Saturday
We’re also expecting to see the new Apple TV and at least one iPad in a couple weeks
Has Apple decided it’s time to give its phone’s celebrated snapper a 4MP bump?
Stuff’s handy guide to what Apple should do to defeat its Android rivals
Grab this last-minute Summer Holiday Discount, and save up to 50% on selected items. Sale ends xx/xx/xx.