iOS 8.0.1 released, then pulled after breaking iPhone 6 cell service and Touch ID functionality
Apple’s response to launch issues causes more problems, but there’s a workaround
Apple’s response to launch issues causes more problems, but there’s a workaround
iOS 8 users – you can now use custom third party keyboards. Hooray! Here’s a selection to get you started
Our fingers dance all over iOS 8 to see if it’s Apple’s best mobile experience yet
UPDATE 18/09/14: It’s out now. And it won’t cost you a penny
The servers are swamped and it requires lots of space, but the new iOS is here
Apple’s limited its newfound contactless powers to payment only, for the time being at least
Apple’s given you a new album you probably don’t want. Here’s how to get rid of it
Latest major OS update hits just days before the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus debut
It’s the day Samsung’s premier phone has been waiting for – the chance to square up to the 2014 iPhone. So which wins on paper?
NFC is reportedly on its way to iOS devices. We don’t know the ins and outs, but we do know what we want to see…
Apple’s got a special event coming up, so here’s what reckons we will – and won’t – get to see on the day
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