Video: Samsung Galaxy S5 vs HTC One (M8)
Two of 2014’s biggest flagships do battle in a bid for smartphone supremacy – but which high-end smartphone takes the Android crown?

Two of 2014’s biggest flagships do battle in a bid for smartphone supremacy – but which high-end smartphone takes the Android crown?
Treat your Galaxy S5 to this hand-picked platter of software deliciousness
The head designer of the Galaxy series has moved on. Could the S5 be joining HTC and Sony in the big metal smartphone arena?
Samsung could be releasing an ultra sharp screen this year after all
The Galaxy S5 boasts fantastic specs and a gorgeous screen – but how does it fare against its high-end Android rivals?
Two titans of tech – but which has made the better smartphone?
The Galaxy S4’s a great phone, but the S5’s even better. Here are eight reasons to consider upgrading (and three reasons to stick with what you’ve got)
The first two of 2014’s flagship phones are here – but which should you buy? [updated with video]
Samsung has a new mystery phone in the works, and it could be its best phone yet
Samsung’s latest superphone is nearly with us – but no matter how good it is, it won’t be a patch on Google’s most recent effort, says Mark Payton
The Galaxy S5 hits shelves today, so we’ve rounded up the best deals to keep you and your wallet happy.
When smartphone giants collide, expect a monumental fight for supremacy
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